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Anna Gudmunsdottir - M.U.S Malmö Upcyckling Service



Anna Gudmunsdottir - M.U.S Malmö Upcyckling Service #1


Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea? 

We are Malmö Upcycling Service. A collaboration between Anna Gudmundsdottir, Britt Jönsson and Emilia Borgvall. The collaboration aims to rethink design processes, question the role of the designer and democratize production methods. Our concept is to recycle waste materials from the local manufacturing industry as a base for small-scale and local production. We see industrial waste as a resource to create new products for a more sustainable and circular economy.


Who are you? Previous education/jobs/ experiences etc.

We are a team of 3, Anna Gudmundsdottir, Britt Jönsson and Emilia Borgvall. We all met during our Industrial Design studies at Lund University. Together we have backgrounds within retail, marketing, and education in industrial design, entrepreneurship, design theory, interaction design and woodwork.


What will you do during these three months? How will you spend the time?

During these three months we will experiment with creating new materials and prototypes. We will visit different manufacturers and their production to find inspiration and collaborations. Also produce and sell our already existing candle holder, Reflections, at local stores.


What do you expect to achieve during Leapfrogs? 

Our goal during the summer is to develop new concrete examples of material recycling in the form of prototypes. These will be based on different recycled materials where we work in close contact with the manufacturing process. We will also create a small communicative exhibition that exemplifies how Skåne is at the forefront of innovation in resource efficiency and show how to work with circular economics in practice at Form Design Center in September. 

Anna Gudmunsdottir - M.U.S Malmö Upcyckling Service #2


Tell us what you have done on your project so far during the Leapfrogs time. 

During the first month of working we have focused on talking to local manufacturers to source materials which have a high percentage of material waste that we can now start to experiment with the coming month. We have also prepared and are now producing the second batch of the candle holder Reflections. The sales of the new batch already started last week at Form Design Center in Malmö with good result.


Has everything gone according to the plan? Has anything unexpected occurred? Has something been easier/harder than expected? 

The biggest setback we’ve encountered is that many manufacturers are closing their production during the summer for 3-4 weeks of holidays. This resulting in difficulties for us to visit them as planned. So we’ve been forced to do some changes in our work plan but will visit them mid-end August instead. A positive accept is that all the different people we have been in contact with have been very interested and willing to provide us with free materials to start experiment with.


What will you focus on during the remaining time? Will you follow your original plan or has anything changed along the way? 

Our main focus for the rest of the summer will be to get creative. To experiment, design and produce new products. We have gotten the opportunity to create an exhibition with the results from this summers’ experiments in mid September at Form Design Center. So expect from designing new products we will also be working on planning and creating this event to generate recognition for our brand as well as connect with new people and potentially find new projects to work with in the fall.

Anna Gudmunsdottir - M.U.S Malmö Upcyckling Service #3


How did you experience the three months?

They went by too fast. But it has been a great experience and opportunity to really develop our idea.


What has been hardest/most enjoyable?

The most enjoyable element of participating in the Leapfrog has been the freedom we experienced. The freedom to focus on the creative work and being able to create our own work process. It has been great to meet other entrepreneurs and exchange knowledge. The hardest part has been to implement a feasible time plan and execution plan when taking into consideration cooperation with companies and other stakeholders. You have to play all roles in the company to make sure things get done. No one else will do the work for you.


Did it go as expected? Will you continue working on your project in the future?

Many of the companies we’ve worked with during the summer has been very positive and supported us with materials and knowledge, which was more then we expected. What was more difficult then expected was to schedule work together. Since we all have jobs on the side, it’s a puzzle and we know now that communication is super important. Malmö Upcycling Service is an ongoing project and we will continue with it after the Leapfrog program is over, making projects directly linked to companies and also try out cooperations with some other companies we met during the Leapfrog program.


What would you say is the most important lesson learnt while working on your project?

Believing in yourself and your project. Also learning how too plan our time right and in what order to do the work.


Do you have any tips to other ”new” entrepreneurs?

Take advantage of the time given to you. Don’t waste it by planning to much but dare to try out things and fail instead. In that way you can learn faster and move on. Sounds like a cliché but still it is so true. Get to know people, talk and learn about what they do and think of how you can help them out. In that way you can always count on having someone to turn to when you yourself need help along the way.