Eric Holmström - Vik Sports
Instagram: vik_sports
Facebook: Vik Sports
Blog post #1
Describe the idea!
We want to make it easier and safer to repair your broken watersport equipment when it gets broken. Today epoxy and other toxic plastics are used to repair surfboards, kayaks etc. We have developed a very simple and functioning repair-kit based on renewables that does not contain any harmful plastics. You can easily fix your broken gear in 5 minutes and get back in the ocean. It is a healthy alternative for both you and the planet!
Who are you?
My name is Eric Holmström and this spring was the last of my studies and now I have acquired an M.Sc. in Engineering, Engineering Nanoscience, which has provided me with knowledge helpful in the development of this idea. I have had very different work experiences over the years, but I’ve recently had the realization that the flexibility and excitement of being your own employer has been too rewarding to pass up.
What will you do during these three months? How will you spend the time?
Previously, we have focused a lot on developing the optimal product. However, these three months will be dedicated towards packaging, marketing and finally selling the product. Simultaneously, we will register the company Vik Sports AB.
What do you expect to achieve during Leapfrogs?
I hope to achieve an attractive product which offer good value for our customers. I hope to reach a higher amount of people and target audience with marketing through Instagram and Facebook. Lastly, I hope that our soon registered company is up and running by the end of this summer.
Blog post #2
Tell us what you have done on your project so far during the Leapfrogs time.
We have spent most of the time listening to our customers for feedback about our product, the repair kit for surfboards. The main focus has been on adapting the product to achieve a good value proposition. Simultaneously we’ve been evaluating different business plans where our material potentially could be used. One example, could be as a coating for surfboards. Therefore, we’ve been building a surfboard to test on, and use as a demo on future exhibitions.
Has everything gone according to the plan? Has anything unexpected occurred? Has something been easier/harder than expected?
Does it ever? No, we had difficulties pinning down what most important for our customers concerning the repair kit product. Last time, we based our decisions on a thorough market analysis, and now we might have been too fast to presume our customers needs. Factors such as colour could be more important than the need for an environmentally friendly alternative. Also, we believed we had finished the laboratory work going into leapfrog earlier this summer, which we now need to revisit.
What will you focus on during the remaining time? Will you follow your original plan or has anything changed along the way?
We have listened to our customers and concluded that we need to improve the aesthetics to match the customers’ needs. Thus, we are going back to the lab to further optimise our product. When we have finished new recipes, we can ask local surfers to give us much needed feedback. We will also finish our surfboard to be used as demo in future exhibitions, as well as a coating experiment.
Blog post #3
How did you experience the three months?
I enjoyed working with our project this summer. As entrepreneurs it is common to experience many ups and downs, and we were no exception. This summer we kept trying out different surfing products and trying them on customers.
What has been most difficult and what has been most enjoyable?
I would say it has been challenging to force brainstorming and to invent new products when needed. As well as getting hold of companies during the summer… I thought the workshops were inspiring and especially the last one. I also enjoyed working a lot outdoors this summer.
Will you continue working on your project in the future? If so, what is your next step?
Yes, we will continue working at least until the end of the year. The next step is to evaluate our latest product and see if it meets our proposed requirements. If so, we will resume our correspondence to companies as well as commence the production process.
What would you say is the most important lesson learnt while working on your project?
Establishing not only the need of the customers but the whole process in which the solution is used.
Do you have any tips to other new entrepreneurs?
Don’t be afraid to pivot and “kill your darlings”. It is seldom the original idea that is actually the idea that will eventually make you accomplish success. Don’t over-engineer your solution. Talk to your customers and see what their needs are before you spend too much time on it.