John Elf – Luckan, Tillväxt
John Elf - Luckan - Tillväxt #1
Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea?
My name is John and I’m one of four co-fonders of the company Luckan. Luckan offers a multichannel solution, which storeowners can use in order to sell their products. For example a digital platform where multiple stores from one city can connect, creating one e-commerce for the whole city. The idea derives from a master thesis focusing on challenges owners of small stores are facing.
Who are you? Previous education/jobs/ experiences etc.
Exactly one year ago I graduated from LTH. As an engineer I was heavily exposed (read: brain washed) by big industries to pursuit a career path within their company. During my last year I stumbled upon the startup world and had an epiphany, and I’ve been a changed man ever since. I have my mind set to create a company, from scratch, that have the potential to affect millions of people.
What will you do during these three months? How will you spend the time?
At Luckan, I’m partly in charge of growth. We have this great digital platform and now we need more content and feedback. My time will be spent on a mix of several things. Everything from meeting storeowners and city planners, to creating innovative ways for storeowners and customers alike to adapt and thrive at our platform. I will measure my success in content, revenue and activity on the platform by the end of August.
What do you expect to achieve during Leapfrogs?
Having the support of Leapfrogs, I can focus all my energy on this complex task I have ahead of me. During the summer, value creating is in focus. I will help storeowners to convert to the platform, end-customers to find interesting content and meet decision-makers around Skåne. If the summer is successful, at the end of august, we have a steadily growing revenue stream and several cities standing in line to meet us. Making sure September to December is fully booked. and/or