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Marcus Zethraeus – Cloudcom



Marcus Zethraeus - Cloudcom #1


Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea?

Two years ago when working at Lundakarnevalen and calling endless lists of people, the idea of a simple SMS solution for Google Sheets arose. Together with my classmate and a fantastic hacker, Carl Bergman, we created Cloudcom in 2015, with our minds set on making mass communication easier and more personal. Over the past year we have laid out a foundation and built a robust product, which has served over 100 customers worldwide.


Who are you? Previous education/jobs/ experiences etc.

I am a former barista, who likes to code, kitesurf and tackle challenging math problems. Alongside Cloudcom I am pursuing my fourth year of Industrial Engineering and Management at LTH and I have just returned from an exchange year at University of California, Santa Barbara. Prior to Cloudcom I have been responsible for mobile services at Falsterbo Horse Show, and I have worked with sales at a startup at MINC.


What will you do during these three months? How will you spend the time? 

In my role as CEO of Cloudcom, I am responsible for growing the company. This will include tweaking and tuning the business model, exploring new kinds of partnerships and making sure our customers are happy. In order to meet our growth goals for the summer, we will need to work hard with sales, marketing and user conversion rate.


What do you expect to achieve during Leapfrogs?

School set aside and reunited from a 9 hour time difference, Carl and I can finally commit ourselves entirely to Cloudcom. With these optimal conditions, I have very high expectations on what we can achieve during three months. Our main targets for the summer are to launch a new pricing model, increase our customer conversion rate and expand our product portfolio. On top of this we want to build a strong brand awareness of Cloudcom among Google users, potential customers, investors and fellow startups at MINC.

Marcus Zethraeus - Cloudcom #2


Tell us what you have done on your project so far during the Leapfrogs time.

The day after arriving home from California, Carl Bergman and I kick-started our summer at MINC in Malmö. Finally we could dive into the Cloudcom projects that we have been waiting with, due to school and time difference. We began the summer by analysing the current state of Cloudcom and where we want to be heading with the company. The focal point of my work since then has been around the financials of the company. More specifically, I have compiled the financial statement for our LLC, revised and automated our accounting.


Has everything gone according to the plan? Has anything unexpected occurred? Has something been easier/harder than expected?  

I know that I can be a bit too much of a perfectionist from time to time. In many cases I want every detail to be understood, controlled and brought to perfection. This has caused me to give up a bit too much of my time struggling with non-value generating accounting tasks. However, the positive outcome is that our sales and accounting process is now automated, which is great when school starts again. We even managed to impress the auditor with our automatic accounting integration. Maybe this could become a future product?


What will you focus on during the remaining time? Will you follow your original plan or has anything changed along the way?

Now that important foundations are put in place, I will my shift focus to sales and customer analysis. Sales is challenging, especially during the summer months, when many people are on holidays. The sales strategy will include email and search engine marketing as well as increasing the new user engagement. I will also be working on producing more content for the website, such as tutorials and customer use-cases.