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Mohamed Rizk - VANO

Mohamed Rizk - VANO


VANO aims to provide architects and designers with a pen-shape 3D motion tracker along with internal developed application, which can be used in the initial and final stages of the design process. As it can be used to brain storm and sketch 3D structures in an easy and intuitive manner, reducing the time needed to change paper sketching to virtual pc models and increase creativity as it uses a very intuitive way to sketch. 

Emerging from a Technical Engineering background, i dived in the business sector, as i was employed by SAP as Sales executive, being the world’s leading ERP company. Shifting after 2 years to the real estate industry, a new challenge with high pace of transactions. currently I finalized my masters in Entrepreneurship to gain vast business knowledge and optimize project management skills and finally co-found VANO in Lund. 

I’ll be very focused on finalizing the prototype including both hardware and software, in collaboration with Industrial designers based in Copenhagen called Attention Group and software developers based in India called CC-tech. We believe will take 3 months to be finalized. We expect also during this 3 month to initiate a kick starter campaign along with alpha testing with our customers, i.e. Forjab Arkitekture. 

Leapfrogs will give the advantage of focusing without the need to look for part-time job. It relieves the stress and worry to find jobs to cover the monthly costs. During this 3 months funded by leapfrogs we expect finalize the needed product prototype in a satisfactory manner. 

Mohamed Rizk - VANO #2


During this period we were able to progress in many directions. First, we were able to finalize the printed circuit board development through hiring the needed resources. Now, it’s a matter of time until the industrial designers deliver the prototype. On the other hand, we held a tender for software development, in which a very professional company won this competition. Earlier this week, we signed the contract and kick started the software development, which estimated to be delivered in less than 90 days.

Things went according to plan, that’s because of our dedication to the project and focus on the goals we set for ourselves during this period. Goals was easier than it seemed. Initially the printed circuit board development bottleneck as we don’t have the knowledge to develop it. However, after consultation and going through our network, we were able to find the right resource to handle this matter. 

We will follow the original plan, as we completed the right milestones in the right time. We will now focus on finishing 2 remaining parts. First part, will be fabrication of the printed circuit board and completing the prototype with the industrial designers. On the other hand, software developers will work closely with the engineering department to finalize the user experience plugin for the Autocad inventor.

Mohamed Rizk - VANO # 3


The experience is unprecedented. We were able to accomplish our targets and obtain a learning experience focused on product development, human resource selection process and supply chain. As a project manager I understood all dimensions needed in order to create fully-fledged operating hardware product. Initially I though it will be easier. However, as we dived in, more elements surfaced and we were able to deal with it in the right manner. We were also able to meticulously plan our next 3 months, which will be very critical for the project. We expect to have a final product by the end 2014 and we can start our kick-starter campaign in the first quarter of 2015.

The hardest part of these 3 months: The hardest part was the design of Printed Circuit board “System on a chip”, as we didn’t have the experience or the resources to design it. It took time and effort to allocate the right resource with qualifications to design it in the right cost. We overcame this challenge in the first month of Leapfrogs.

The most enjoyable: The 3 month process was very enjoyable, especially were all the aspects of industrial, electronic and software design & development converged to forge the 1st prototype. We are now waiting for the manufacturing and it is estimated to have the prototype in our procession within the next 3 weeks.

The three months went as we expected. We achieved our monthly targets and in total, the 3 months target we set. It is an indicator that our planning process is done meticulously and all estimations were precise, due to the experience we attain in product development. As for our future, we have confidence in our product and the team to complete the development. As mentioned before, our next 3 months are very critical; we are working on finalizing the product, which will require similar product development iteration. Nonetheless, the final iteration will be very critical. Based on that we will plan the visual identity, supply chain and subsequently cost of product.

I would say perseverance and determination is the key learning outcomes. From what I experienced, one can always see the tip of the iceberg. However as you get closer, many dimensions appear all in a sudden. It takes perseverance and time to think, in order to overcome these challenges and dealing with these new dimensions in the right manner. Also, without determination one can get lost and demotivated which can cause hindering the project, if not failure. One other learning outcome, is never rely on one contact to achieve a task and always have a contingency plan. This is something I experienced as a sales rep in many companies. Otherwise, it will be time consuming to achieve targets on time. I have adopted this during the 3 months of Leapfrogs and I successfully accomplished our targets.

Tips for new entrepreneurs:

I recommend for the entrepreneurs to always peruse their dreams and never give up. From my experience nothing goes smooth, unless you are very lucky. Consequently, one of the most important tasks of the entrepreneur, is problem solving in a strategic manner. One can achieve this through thoughtful thinking and determination.

Definitely strategic planning and analytical thinking does not come by thinking solely, but regular brainstorming with relevant individuals is very important. Thus, I advice the entrepreneur to expose their ideas and brainstorm with the public and never be afraid to share it, even if it is not mature yet. One last tip, I believe creating your own venture is one of the most, if not the most, exciting things one can they do. I wish all the future entrepreneurs all the best.