Adam Hultin - Trialy AB
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Adam Hultin - Trialy AB #1
Describe the idea:
An inability to recruit enough research subjects causes 40% of all clinical studies to be delayed, which has enormous costs in both lack of effective treatments for patients and missing profits for clinics and pharmaceutical companies. Trialy tackles this problem by digitalizing the patient recruitment, which means advertising the study in online channels, gathering and filtering sign-ups for the study and delivering suitable patients to the researchers.
Who are you? Previous education/jobs/ experiences etc.
I’m Adam, a clinical psychology student at Lund University with a great interest and hope in research and technology’s potential in improving people’s lives. I have a background in sales and customer service, and like to spend my spare time travelling, running, playing chess or a combination of the three.
What will you do during these three months? How will you spend the time?
My summer will be spent on learning more about patient recruitment through my current projects (for instance fascinating projects at Lund Universities Psychiatry Faculty, where they strive to customize treatment of depression to the patient!), as well as reaching more clinics. I will also work towards a procurement with my largest client, Region Skåne.
What do you expect to achieve during Leapfrogs?
To further automate the patient recruitment and sales processes, as well as having gained new and satisfied clients ready to spread the news of Trialy in their networks!
Tell us what you have done on your projects so far during the Leapfrogs time:
Since the start of Leapfrogs I have focused on establishing inbound sales channels (SEO,adwords & landing pages) and working with leads I generated during the spring. This has led to an increase in traffic and Trialy receiving our largest recruitment project so far. Building from the lean canvas model, I’ve updated the website which has led to a more user friendly and simpler presentation of our services.
Has everything gone according to the plan? Has anything unexpected occurred? Has something been easier/harder than expected?
Not quite! I hired a developer to add some features in our backend. After about two weeks, it turned out he didn’t have the skillset to work with the programming language required. No damage done apart from the features being delayed a few weeks, but it certainly taught me the importance of a clear communication and recurring checks of the work flow. Apart from that, I’m surprised how much can be despite limited knowledge. I have no background in IT, but with a bit of googling most problems can be solved!
What will you focus on during the remaining time? Will you follow your original plan or has anything changed along the way?
By the end of July I plan to have further automated repetitive tasks. I’ll also have the website updated and up to speed. In august, when my clients are returning from vacation, I will focus on sales towards warm and cold leads. I will also hire a salesperson with a commission based salary, which hopefully will be the first step towards a sharp sales team!
How did you experience the three months?
I loved it! Being able to work on my own project and making ideas happen was a great experience, and I’d love to keep doing it. At times it was tough – I put a lot of effort into my idea and company, and when things didn’t run as smoothly as I hoped for there were definitely times of self-doubt. All in all, the good by far outweighed the bad and I feel I really have challenged myself this summer.
What has been hardest/most enjoyable?
The hardest part was to keep focusing on the tasks at hand when I ran the project alone. Moving forward, I will find co-founder to both expand the skillset available to the company, but also sharing the emotional load of running a start-up. The most enjoyable was definitely making to see how the changes I made regarding sales and marketing paid off in more traffic and larger deals.
Did it go as expected? Will you continue working on your project in the future?
More or less, yes. Even though I was hoping to move forward even faster in some regards, I’ve done and learnt more in others. I will continue with my project, and hopefully launch the website internationally and have my first collaboration with an American university this fall. Leapfrogs allowed me to work full time on my project and lay the foundation of the project – now I’ve identified some key tasks, and can focus on them while also finishing my studies.
What would you say is the most important lesson learnt while working on your project?
All though I’ve definitely learnt some new skills regarding sales, marketing and web-design, what first comes to mind is skills and lessons that’s more general and not only applicable to being an entrepreneur. Some are the importance of focus & planning, asking for help, and most crucial to question and face some of my fears related to performance. 3 valuable months, no doubt!
Do you have any tips to other ”new” entrepreneurs?
Talk with people! It’s cosy and comfortable to make plans and write code for months, but a lot of the time it’s a defence against trying your idea out without running the risk of being rejected. No-one but you expects your thing to be perfect, so do what you can to drop toxic expectations on yourself. You can solve most things (which makes you ok at a lot of things, which is the best part of running your own business), but if there’s some crucial things that you know you can’t do, get a team-mate on board that can.