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Puya Nedadahandeh - Hektor Bikes



Blog post #1


Describe the idea!

Since there is a lack of demand for bikes when students complete their studies, they often end up abandoning their bike somewhere. A few weeks later new students move to Lund and struggle to find a bike or pay too much for one.

At Hektor Bikes we buy used bikes that would otherwise be abandoned, fix them, and pass them on to new students.


Who are you?

To stay within the word limit:

Writer for Swedroid →  IB at Malmö Borgarskola → Started Sweden’s first international MUN conference → Worked for UN Association of Sweden → Bachelor’s of Business Administration from University of San Diego → Various IT jobs → Worked for ASML in the semiconductor industry → Business Law at Lund University → Hektor bike project → Fellow at Lund Startups → Working for Kind/Engaging Care with healthtech.


What will you do during these three months? How will you spend the time?

Finding a storage is important as that will be a constraint on the number of bikes I can keep. I will need to buy bikes before they are locked and abandoned somewhere. There will also be plenty of bikes that will need to be repaired. Once new students arrive in Lund, it is important to reach them so they can get a bike from us.


What do you expect to achieve during Leapfrogs? 

The idea for this project came after hearing the frustration from fellow classmates, and in particular international exchange students, who either paid for a bike that stopped working after a few days, or found themselves having to pay several thousands of kronor for a brand new bike. With Hektor Bikes, I want more people to get access to good and affordable bikes. I also look forward to learn and get feedback from the other Leapfroggers.


Blog post #2


Tell us what you have done on your project so far during the Leapfrogs time. 

I have been able to negotiate and secure a storage facility which is conveniently located near many of Lund University’s international students. I have also been in touch with various students who want to sell their bikes. As previously mentioned, some bikes need to be repaired before being sold to students.


Has everything gone according to the plan? Has anything unexpected occurred? Has something been easier/harder than expected?

Winston Churchill once said “plans are of little importance, but planning is essential”. I see the plan as a guidance tool and a work in progress. While there certainly are moments when things feel tough and challenging, I have found that those are usually the moments when I learn the most. One of those moments that is fun to look back on now is how I was able to negotiate and explain why I should get the storage space for free.


What will you focus on during the remaining time? Will you follow your original plan or has anything changed along the way? 

I am continuously on the lookout and connecting with students who are wanting to sell their bikes and pass it on to new students. Some of the bikes will need to be repaired before they are ready to be sold to students. I will look into the best ways in which to market and sell the bikes later to the incoming students.


Blog post #3


How did you experience the three months?

These past months went by really fast and it’s hard to believe that the summer is over already. I’m incredibly grateful that I was selected as one of the Leapfroggers this year and received the support to pursue my business idea.  


What has been most difficult and what has been most enjoyable?

The most challenging aspect has been to buy enough bikes to meet the demand. What I found most enjoyable was meeting students. While some students were just about to begin their time as students in Lund, others were sharing stories of their time in Lund and everything their bike has been through.


Will you continue working on your project in the future? If so, what is your next step?

Yes. I am quite busy with other projects as well, but I want to manage my time wisely so that I can help more students.  


What would you say is the most important lesson learnt while working on your project?

Try things out and see what works and what doesn’t.


Do you have any tips to other new entrepreneurs?

Read a lot of books. Don’t forget to listen. Have fun.