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Elisabeth Hildebrand – Torkoverall

Elisabeth Hildebrand - Torkoverall #1


Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea?

I have a great interest in animals and especially Standard poodles. I have groomed poodles for about ten years. Standard poodles are relatively large dogs with a lot of fur, which requires a lot of time to fur care. By constantly analysing my working methods the idea of a drying overalls for dogs and especially poodles came up. The overalls will reduce the drying time for the dogs and will save a lot of time on every dog fur care.


Who are you? Previous education/jobs/ experiences etc.

Today, I am studying the fourth year of Electrical Engineering. Previously, I worked at a veterinary clinic in just over 2 years. Me and my mom is also engaged in breeding and sale Standard poodles where I among other things is responsible for marketing and web design.


What will you do during these three months? How will you spend the time?

I will continue to developing and simplify the product and create prototypes in different sizes. A wholesale for fabrics must be found. I will also explore the possibility and costs to sew up the product in Sweden in relation to overseas manufactures. The goal is to develop a product for the market and create an online store.


What do you expect to achieve during Leapfrogs?

My intentions are to create well functional prototypes in at least three different sizes.  I will also come up with a good product name, a logotype and develop an online store. I will also get good knowledge about fabric and manufacture.

Elisabeth Hildebrand - Torkoverall #2


Tell us what you have done on your project so far during the Leapfrogs time.

I have tried to buy the right fabrics and have been in contact with different business and wholesalers but it has been much harder to find the fabrics than I expected. At the moment I need only fabric to create prototypes so the wholesaler could not help me with so little fabrics. Now I instead bought towels of similar fabric to get started with developing real prototypes. I work with the business model and to investigate the demand for the product.


Has everything gone according to the plan? Has anything unexpected occurred? Has something been easier/harder than expected?

It has been more difficult to find the right fabric than what I expected. It is also a challenge for me as a person, that there is not a predetermined path as with many tasks in schools where there always is a solution. It is also hard to think of how to do to reach out to potential customers before the product is ready and to use that information to something fruitful for the development of the product.


What will you focus on during the remaining time? Will you follow your original plan or has anything changed along the way?

I will focus on create the prototypes and find a way to find out how many products I could sell at the first order. It can be good to know if there is for example ten or hundred potential customer. I am also working on a logotype and a name for the product/business and I will also continue to work with the business model and set up a business plan. The plan is still like it was in the beginning but many things take more time than expected.

Elisabeth Hildebrand - Torkoverall #3

How did you experience the three months?

I have learned a lot about myself. It was a challenge for me to apply for the scholarship, and it has been very stimulating and challenging to conduct its own planning and along the way change it when the conditions changed. It has also been really fun to work with this idea. I learned a lot but I have still much to learn.


What has been hardest/most enjoyable?

It's been tough to change the plan when I realized that it wasn't practicable at any reason and then come up with a new plan. It has also been difficult to know in which order it is best to do different things.

It's been fun to feel the satisfaction when something goes well. That feeling is worth all the hard work you put down before.


Did it go as expected? Will you continue working on your project in the future?

I was hoping that I should had done more, but I can also see that my plan for the summer wasn’t realistic. There were several things I had not thought of when I wrote the plan, but I did learn a lot anyway. For me this was not just a summer project, I will continue to work with the idea at the side of the school.


What would you say is the most important lesson learnt while working on your project?

It is important to write a planning and business plan, for even if it will change over time, you think through things in a different way when you write it down. It's also always nice to have if you want to go back and evaluate things, and even if you want to change the plan. With a written plan, things become a little clearer.


Do you have any tips to other ”new” entrepreneurs?

Believe in your idea and get help from and be inspired by other creative people. Leapfrogs gives you an incredible opportunity to get the time and money so that you can focus on your idea and develop it further.