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Kent Ngo - FoPo Food Powder



Kent Ngo - FoPo Food Powder


Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea?

I am Kent, the designer and co-founder of FoPo Food Powder. Basically FoPo wants to revolutionize the current food system, where 40 percent of the food produced is being wasted. Our idea is to collect fruits and vegetables, which would have been thrown away by groceries because they look ugly or are near their expiry date and then dry them to extend the shelf life from two weeks to two years.


Who are you? Previous education/jobs/experiences etc.

During my thrilling years at Lund University I have been involved with both the work fair ARKAD and Lundakarnevalen where I created graphical content and directed illustrators and graphic designers. When there’s time left I like to play with 3D-printers…  I love creating things! That is also the reason I am studying to become a mechanical engineering and an industrial designer.


What will you do during these three months? How will you spend the time?

At this very moment I am sitting on the train to Stockholm where we will have a press release for FoPo together with Ben & Jerry’s, so exciting!


Other than that I will spend my time coordinating volunteers for FoPo and working on the PR as we are running a Kickstarter campaign. In July the entire team is going to Manila where we are starting up shop and piloting the project.


What do you expect to achieve during leapfrogs?

  1.      Reach the goal of our crowdfunding on Kickstarter
  2.      Pilot the project in Manilla
  3.      Produce the first batch of FoPo – Food Powder
  4.      Get the word of FoPo out to inform people about food security and that there is a hole in the current food handling system.
  5.      Getting inspired by all the fellow Leapfroggers! 

Kent Ngo - FoPo Food Powder #2


Tell us what you have done on your project so far during the Leapfrogs time. 

Right now I am in Manila, last week we had a meeting with our toll manufacturer over here and discussed everything from nutritional properties to packaging regarding FoPo. I have also been working on marketing and talked about FoPo in various publications – some of them being more for investors while others are more oriented around spreading the word of what we do (City, CNN Philippines, Mashable etc.). We have also ran a successful kickstarter campaign during the leapfrogs period!


Has everything gone according to the plan? Has anything unexpected occurred? Has something been easier/harder than expected? 

Manila is very different to Sweden, and at first I was a bit shocked.  They are checking cars for bombs whenever you enter any malls, it’s quiet unsafe to walk around by yourself, it sometimes takes 3 hours to get somewhere it would take 15 minutes in Sweden because of traffic, and I almost fainted in the public transportation. I am adjusting to the climate and starting to feel more at home as the days pass by though.


What will you focus on during the remaining time? Will you follow your original plan or has anything changed along the way?

My main focus here in Manila will be setting up everything for the pilot production. That means collecting almost expiring fruits and the fruit surplus from farms, designing the packaging (choosing the right packaging properties, graphics, logistics etc.). I am also meeting with potential buyers of FoPo Food Powder. Also getting the rewards out to all our wonderful backers on Kickstarter will be one of the main priorities.