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Alexander Jöndell - BlueGlueMedia

Alexander Jöndell - BlueGlueMedia #1


Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea? 

When installing a temporary or permanent TV studio there is a need for a lot of different signal converters for the video and sound, in the industry the converters are called Glue. BlueGlueMedia delivers high-quality and cost-effective converters for the broadcasting industry with a focus on standardization, modularization and quick and easy installations.


Who are you? Previous education/jobs/ experiences etc. 

My name is Alexander Jöndell and I recently graduated from Lund University with a M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and a master in Technology Management. I have previously worked with business strategy, marketing and online communication, and I will try to utilise my skills from my previous jobs in my work with BlueGlueMedia.


What will you do during these three months? How will you spend the time? 

During the summer I will work with an industrial designer to re-design and modularize the converters that we currently sell. Together with the three co-founders of BlueGlueMedia we will build a lot of prototypes of the converters to test the functionality and design. If everything pans out well there will be negotiations with factories in China to produce the new modularized converters. My co-worker in China will help me to find a Chinese manufacturer.


What do you expect to achieve during Leapfrogs? 

I expect that we will be able to start selling converters from our first batch at our current website in the beginning of the summer. Hopefully we will have time to upgrade the web shop and establish marketing channels for our new products. I expect that we will sign a number of customers during the summer so that we can sell our new modularized converters when we release them by the end of the summer.

Alexander Jöndell - BlueGlueMedia #2

Tell us what you have done on your project so far during the Leapfrogs time. 

I’ve continued to build the website and the main focus has been to create an easy to use site. I haven’t gone live with all pages I’ve been working on but I will soon. There is some design work left to do and I’m not sure if I’ll outsource it or try to do it myself. However, I taken product photos on the entire product range and they are on the website now. I’ve never used a proper camera before so it took some time googling and watching tutorials on Youtube.


Has everything gone according to the plan? Has anything unexpected occurred? Has something been easier/harder than expected? 

I got the first batch with converters from the factory in China three weeks ago but they were supposed to be delivered 2 weeks earlier. Even though this was not according to plan I kind of expected that this could happen. Delivery time uncertainty is one of the reasons why we started the company. We guarantee our customers that they will get their products in time. The delay didn’t matter that much because I worked with setting up the web shop in the meantime.


What will you focus on during the remaining time? Will you follow your original plan or has anything changed along the way? 

In the last post I wrote that I expected to start selling converters in the beginning of the summer. Since the first batch was delivered late and the website took more time to make than I expected I’m a bit behind schedule. But today I went live with the web shop and it is working perfect. In the coming weeks I will advertise in different marketing channels online and some magazines, there is also some work to do with search engine optimization.

Alexander Jöndell - BlueGlueMedia #3


How did you experience the three months?

It has been a very exciting summer and I have learned an awful lot. One thing that hit me is that I have not seen all the time I spent working as work, I’ve enjoyed it most of the time. I have also realized that to run my own business is something that I wish to continue with. Without the Leapfrog scholarship I don’t think I could have worked with my project to this extent so I’m very happy I got this opportunity.


What has been hardest/most enjoyable?

The hardest thing has been to work on my own since I’m used to work in a team. But at the same time I’ve learnt a lot from working on my own. The best thing that happened during the summer is that I have sold almost entire stock from the first batch of mini converters. It took some time to set up the web shop with all tax regulations and shipping agreements. But when I decided to focus on Sweden and Europe instead of the whole world it became easier.


Did it go as expected? Will you continue working on your project in the future?

I reached almost all the goals I had for the summer but I wished that I had more time to work on the project. Something that took considerably longer than I expected was to build the website. I had hoped to be able to familiarize myself more with the programming but I had to work on the other parts to. But I will continue on building the company in the future.


What would you say is the most important lesson learnt while working on your project?

The most important thing I realized is that many things have a tendency to be more time consuming than planned. It’s generally good to set high goals but it is important that they are realistic otherwise you don’t give yourself the opportunity to be satisfied when you finish a task. If I could turn back time three month I would have asked for more help during the process, I think I would have accomplished more if I did.


Do you have any tips to other ”new” entrepreneurs?

Avoid getting side-tracked. Look at the big picture and make a plan and then focus on one thing at a time, if you don’t you will limit both your effectiveness and productivity. Always ask what the customer wants and work iteratively with your offer until you find something that your customers and you are happy with. Do not forget to ask your friends and enemies for help, you will always get valuable insights from them.