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Lovisa Svensson - Modern digital healthcare in the palm of your hand

Lovisa svensson


Blog post #1


Describe the idea!

My idea is to develop a digital health platform, making healthcare accessible for anyone and anytime. Through a smartphone application, the solution puts access to first class health care wherever you are and whenever you want.


Who are you? 

I hold a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration major in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management from Lund University. During the past two years, I have been working as CEO for a start-up company based in Ideon Science Park and done two internships in California, working with business development for Swedish companies interested in establishing their business in the US. This semester I´ve just finished a one-year master’s programme in computer and systems sciences, major in risk management and decision support.


What will you do during these three months? How will you spend the time? 

I will be spending my time looking for potential collaborators and partners. In addition, I will try to network and talk to as many people as possible in order to get valuable feedback for my project. I will also be focusing on contacting more potential customers and try to build a solid customer base.


What do you expect to achieve during Leapfrogs? 

After these three months I hope I have been able to evaluate the strategic market fit for my idea. I also aim to start developing a website, marketing material and continue the discussions already initiated with various potential collaborating partners.


Blog post #2


Tell us what you have done on your project so far during the Leapfrogs time.

So far, I have had a lot of meetings and phone calls with potential customers and partners. In addition, I have been focusing on creating a business model canvas that can be easily presented to people I meet - all in order to really test my idea and gain as much feedback as possible. It has been two rather intense months but with a lot of important learnings that I will bring with me in the future.


Has everything gone according to the plan? Has anything unexpected occurred? Has something been easier/harder than expected? 

My plan for the summer was to test the viability of the new business model. So far, everything has gone according to the plan. I have worked with a lean start-up approach and have tried to gain as much feedback as possible in order to avoid major failures. Of course, many things have still been harder than I first expected, and I have experienced some unexpected events along the way. However, these unexpected events have not changed my initial plan.


What will you focus on during the remaining time? Will you follow your original plan or has anything changed along the way?

For the remaining time I will continue to work with my original plan which means talking to potential customers, clients and partners in order to gain as much valuable feedback as possible. Hopefully, if everything goes according to the plan, this summer will result in a solid base with feedback that I can build the business model upon. Based on the business model, I can hopefully start the actual product development and marketing.

Blogpost #3


How did you experience the three months?

It’s been three great months with a lot of learnings and experiences that I will carry with me in the future. I’ve enjoyed meeting other entrepreneurs and learning from them. I would definitely recommend all students who have an idea to apply for this scholarship.


What has been most difficult and what has been most enjoyable?

Most enjoyable has definitely been all the meetings I’ve had. I’ve met a lot of great people who have taught me a lot and I’ve also gained a lot of inspiration. To constantly revise my idea and move on with small steps have been challenging at one point, but after this period it’s fun to see the whole project as a constant process developing and evolving over time.


Will you continue working on your project in the future? If so, what is your next step?

Not at this stage. I will start working as management consultant for a firm in Malmo, but I will stay curious and have my project in mind. I’ve gained a lot of valuable experiences from this summer working on my project idea. You never know what opportunities the future will bring and maybe I will continue with the project at another stage.


What would you say is the most important lesson learnt while working on your project?

The most important lesson learnt is that starting up a project or company is a process. I can be impatient when I feel that things take time, but when it comes to running a start-up you need to constantly revise your idea and be open to the process. I’ve been working a lot with a lean start-up approach in my mind which means constantly revising the project based on feedback.


Do you have any tips to other new entrepreneurs?

If you have an idea just start! And even if you don’t feel that you have the perfect idea, start talking to people and tell them about your excitements. It’s when you start talking to people and get feedback and inspiration on your idea that the magic will happen!