Alexander Wallin - Sentimentica
Alexander Wallin - Sentimentica
Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea?
Our idea is simple - use machine learning to extract knowledge from reviews and aggregate it to the ones that needs it the most - developers and business owners around the world. The technology for this has been available for some time, but we now have a chance to bring it to a broader market.
I must also mention that I’m not alone - we’re four people who has formed Sentimentica and will jointly develop our vision.
Who are you? Previous education/jobs/experiences etc.
I’m currently studying computer science at LTH and should probably describe myself as being on the last leg of the journey to finally obtaining my degree.
I’m interested in data driven computing and have a great interest in machine learning and NLP and developed a deep respect for simple algorithms applied correctly to data.
I’ve previously consulted within my field and was briefly a partner in Quixter, the biometric payment platform developed by LTH students.
What will you do during these three months? How will you spend the time?
Programming, dreaming, developing and reading - the best things a sun shy youth can aspire to!
More precisely this has given us the chance to develop our prototype and bring it closer to market!
It will be marvelous.
What do you expect to achieve during Leapfrogs?
Alexander Wallin - Sentimentica #2
Tell us what you have done on your project so far during the Leapfrogs time.
We have pitched our product to a major company that might become our first customer. This is a sideline from our summer goal but we figured that it would be worth it. Our summer project is on track but a bit behind because of this. We also have done a lot of legal structuring of the company. This has taken a huge amount of time and was something we didn't plan for from the beginning.
Has everything gone according to the plan? Has anything unexpected occurred? Has something been easier/harder than expected?
As stated above, our legal issues has been a huge obstacle to tacle. Apart from that, we have changed focus and strategy for the technical implementation a few times, but this was something we knew would happen. There hasn't been any technical challenges we wasn't prepared for and we are happy with the way our product transforms.
What will you focus on during the remaining time? Will you follow your original plan or has anything changed along the way?
We will continue working on our product. The side effects are that we easily will be able to spinn off new products with this product as a base. This was something we didn't anticipated from the beginning but we saw that the step to do this was so small that it's worth a try.
A secret marketing project is also under way, it will require some unplanned work but will probably be worth it PR wise. The great thing is however that it will make our product be more mature. It's a hard line to find how to fail fast and still make sure you give your idea a fair chnce.
Alexander Wallin - Sentimentica #3
How did you experience the three months?
Mixed; we had a different constellation and focus going into the project then at the end; it’s overall nice to develop a product using your own two hands, but it would have been more enjoyable if the changes to the project had happened before summer than during!
What has been hardest/most enjoyable?
We started working on our product in the fall of 2014, so it’s been nice to follow the narrative path to a logical end. When I signed on to leapfrog I envisioned working more time in the office, but the temperature was too hot so I ended up using the ”Jojo sommarkort” to travel around Skåne and develop my code in various towns and villages in Skåne instead.
Did it go as expected? Will you continue working on your project in the future?
We will probably continue in some fashion. It’s an interesting project and the outlook is positive, in what form and in what manner is still to be decided though.
What would you say is the most important lesson learnt while working on your project?
Have the paperwork prepared well in advance so there will be no discussion when times are rough.
Do you have any tips to other ”new” entrepreneurs?
Aim at the horizon and believe in your idea; you don’t know anything about the destination, but the path is there to guide you in the right direction.