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Eslam Salah Dardir - Lupinta



Eslam Salah Dardir - Lupinta #1


Describe the idea:

Lupinta is new, innovative, sustainable alternative for soy products. We stand for eating tasty, healthy & environmentally friendly food. Our team of professionals discovered a way to develop vegan products from locally grown lupin beans. Lupin beans are rich in plant protein and fibers and a more sustainable solution. Our mission is supported by academic work and research efforts at SLU and Lund University.


Who are you? Previous education/jobs/ experiences etc.

Social and food entrepreneur with multi-interests. Founder of Lupinta and Skåne Food Entrepreneurs Network. My background is agricultural science, backed by long life experience started at the early childhood of working at family small business passing by working in various jobs from sales, medical equipment, insurance, journalism, farming, digital marketing, e-commerce, building online communities, import and export, and business development.


What will you do during these three months? How will you spend the time?

  • Develop our products at SLU and Lund university food engineering labs.
  • Work on Lupinta branding and market positioning.
  • Find out the right packaging fits our products.
  • Start to produce the first patch and market testing.


What do you expect to achieve during Leapfrogs? 

We would like to have market product and hit further stage in our R&D.



Tell us what you have done on your projects so far during the Leapfrogs time:

Lupinta is currently in the last phase of product development, where after it will move to the production phase. Since Swedish consumers are not fully aware about the opportunity of lupin as food products Lupinta needs to focus as well on education. Therefore, we already started a Facebook campaign, posting stories about lupin beans and Lupinta creating a community and awareness amongst consumers. Furthermore, Lupinta wants to focus on creating word-of-mouth on the Lupinta products. This is why we already participated within Malmö Falafel festivalen with the Lupinta falafel and we will be participating in more events during the summer.


Has everything gone according to the plan? Has anything unexpected occurred? Has something been easier/harder than expected? 

During the summer time it seems to be everything is slowing down and it is hard to get meeting so we are late about finishing on start the actual process of starting production. In the same time when we participated during the Falafel Festvalen was much better than out expectations and we sold all the food we prepared and the feedback was astonishing.  


What will you focus on during the remaining time? Will you follow your original plan or has anything changed along the way?

We are about to have access to physical certified production facility in Malmö – The Mandioka company. Beside the SLU open lab.

Tempeh: We are planning to start produce tempeh and package it for restaurant to start with. As the restaurant will require less packaging and branding. 

Falafel: In collaboration with the Mandioka company we will participate in more events with the products to create awareness and stimulate word-of-mouth.

We will use Lupioka Falafel to create demand then we are planning to package it for stores to be sold frozen.


How did you experience the three months?

We have sourced Lupin as raw martial, and executed two food events with 400 portions sold for end costumers, beside we gained two B2B costumers.   


What has been hardest/most enjoyable?

Getting things done during the summer was really challenging with the absence of a lot of workforce. The most enjoyable when we had the first event and we didn’t know what to expect then turned out that people loved our products and we had a very long line and we received a testimonial at Hallå Malmö newspaper.


Did it go as expected? Will you continue working on your project in the future?

Basically, nothing gone as expected, we had a plan but things tend to be slower on the other side we got winner product was not in the plan which is Falafel festival.  


What would you say is the most important lesson learnt while working on your project?

The lesson of that things takes longer than expected, and unforeseen event effect the plans for good and bad. 


Do you have any tips to other ”new” entrepreneurs?

Keep tracing your tasks, and find people to share the journey with you. if you don’t want to give up equity for a co-founder you might be actually losing.